Friday, December 14, 2007

The Opium Wars

The Opium Wars were drug wars that took place from 1839 to 1842. The Chinese were extremely proud people and thought that they were the best and that they needed no one. The Qing ambassador showed no interest in the machines that could made him a stronger country. The British were desperate for something to trade with the Chinese in large amounts besides their Silver. That something was Opium. Opium is a narcotic made from poppy plant. By 1835 millions were addicted to the drug. The addiction made many problems for the country. Opium was ruining the people so the Chinese declared war with the British. The battles took place mostly in the sea which means the Chinese had no chance against Britains advanced ships. So the Chinese suffered a humiliating defeat that forced them to sign peace treaties. The peace treaties let the British us Chinas five ports instead of just one, the were forced to legalize Opium, and they lost control of Hong Kong. The Opium war started many unfair treaties with the Western countries.

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